Papers published on International Scientific Journal
- Barbieri, C., Schiattarella, V., Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Filippini, G., de Angelis, A.R., Fiori, G., 2025. Measurement and Correlation of Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium of Mixtures of 1,2-Propanediol or 1,4-Butanediol + 1,8-Diazabicyclo(5.4.0)undec-7-ene at 30 kPa. Clean Technologies 7(1), 3. doi:10.3390/cleantechnol7010003.
- Acerbi et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2024. DarkSide-20k sensitivity to light darkmatter particles. Communications Physics 7, 422. doi:10.1038/s42005-024-01896-z.
- Schiattarella, V., Barbieri, C., Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Filippini, G., de Angelis, A.R., Fiori, G., 2024. Study of Mixtures of 1,3-Propanediol+DBU and DBU+Sulfolane for a New Sustainable Solvent for CO2 Removal. Sustainability 16(24), 11143. doi:10.3390/su162411143.
- Barbieri, C., De Guido, G., Moioli, S., 2024. Vapor-liquid equilibrium data for the binary system isopropanol+water at 60 kPa and 80 kPa. Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 198, 107342. doi:10.1016/j.jct.2024.107342.
- Schiattarella, V., Moioli, S., 2024. Application of CO2 Removal to Reduce Emissions in a Steel Plant. Chemical Engineering Transactions 111, 721-726. doi:10.3303/CET24111121.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Spatolisano, E., Restelli, F., De Guido, G., de Angelis, A.R., Lainati, A., 2024. Green H2 Transport through LH2, NH3 and LOHC. Opportunities and Challenges. Springer Cham. ISBN: 978-3-031-66555-4. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-66556-1.
- Restelli, F., Pellegrini, L.A., 2024. Investigating Mixed Refrigerant Solidification in Hydrogen Liquefaction Processes. Chemical Engineering Transactions 109, 613-618. doi:10.3303/CET24109103.
- Spatolisano, E., Restelli, F., 2024. The Role of Ammonia in Decarbonization: A Technoeconomic Assessment of NH3 as H2 Carrier and NH3 as Energy Vector. Chemical Engineering Transactions 109, 607-612. doi:10.3303/CET24109102.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2024. CO2 Removal in Hydrogen Production Plants. Energies 17(13), 3089. doi:10.3390/en17133089.
- Moioli, S., Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2024. Techno-Economic Assessment for the Best Flexible Operation of the CO2 Removal Section by Potassium Taurate Solvent in a Coal-Fired Power Plant. Energies 17(7), 1736. doi:10.3390/en17071736.
- Spatolisano, E., Restelli, F., Pellegrini, L.A., Cattaneo, S., de Angelis, A.R., Lainati, A., Roccaro, E., 2024. Liquefied hydrogen, ammonia and liquid organic hydrogen carriers for harbour-to-harbour hydrogen transport: A sensitivity study. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 80, 1424-1431. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2024.07.241.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2024. Sustainable Green Hydrogen Transport: A Systematic Framework for the Design of the whole Supply Chain. Systems & Control Transactions 3, 591-597. doi:10.69997/sct.102015.
- Moioli, S., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., Fasola, E., Redolfi Riva, E., Alberti, D., Carrara, A., 2024. Techno-economic assessment of the CO2 value chain with CCUS applied to a waste-to-energy Italian plant. Chemical Engineering Science 287, 119717. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2024.119717.
- Spatolisano, E., Restelli, F., Pellegrini, L.A., de Angelis, A.R., 2024. Waste to H2 Sustainable Processes: A Review on H2S Valorization Technologies. Energies 17(3), 620. doi:10.3390/en17030620.
- Restelli, F., Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., Cattaneo, S., de Angelis, A.R., Lainati, A., Roccaro, E., 2024. Liquefied hydrogen value chain: A detailed techno-economic evaluation for its application in the industrial and mobility sectors. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52, 454-466. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.10.107.
- Spatolisano, E., Restelli, F., Matichecchia, A., Pellegrini, L.A., de Angelis, A.R., Cattaneo, S., Roccaro, E., 2024. Assessing opportunities and weaknesses of green hydrogen transport via LOHC through a detailed techno-economic analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52, 703-717. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.08.040.
- Restelli, F., Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., de Angelis, A.R., Cattaneo, S., Roccaro, E., 2024. Detailed techno-economic assessment of ammonia as green H2 carrier. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 52, 532-547. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2023.06.206.
- Restelli, F., Gambardella, M., Pellegrini, L.A., 2024. Green vs fossil-based energy vectors: A comparative techno-economic analysis of green ammonia and LNG value chains. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 12(1), 111723. doi:10.1016/j.jece.2023.111723.
- De Guido, G., 2023. Cryogenic CO2 capture from oxy-combustion flue gas by a hybrid distillation + physical absorption process. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 199, 639-658. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2023.10.011.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., Finocchi, A., de Angelis, A.R., 2023. Selecting Technologies for Sour and Ultra-Sour Gas Treating. ChemBioEng Reviews 10(5), 801-816. doi:10.1002/cben.202300030.
- Yu, M.-C., Bai, L.-J., Moioli, S., Tontiwachwuthikul, P., Plisko, T.V., Bildyukevich, A.V., Feng, Y.-N., Liu, H., 2023. Hybrid CO2 capture processes consisting of membranes: A technical and techno-economic review. Advanced Membranes 3, 100071. doi:10.1016/j.advmem.2023.100071.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., de Angelis, A.R., Cattaneo, S., Roccaro, E., 2023. Ammonia as a Carbon-Free Energy Carrier: NH3 Cracking to H2. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 62, 10813-10827. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.3c01419.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2023. Haber-Bosch process intensification: A first step towards small-scale distributed ammonia production. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 195, 651-661. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2023.06.031.
- De Guido, G., Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2023. Downstream Processing of 1,3-propanediol: Thermodynamic Analysis and Simulation. Chemical Engineering Transactions 100, 241-246. doi:10.3303/CET23100041.
- Moioli, S., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2023. Analysis of Energy-saving Schemes for the Purification of Raw Biomethanol. Chemical Engineering Transactions 100, 247-252. doi:10.3303/CET23100042.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2023. Helium Shortage 4.0: How to Face the Problem through its Energy-efficient Recovery from Natural Gas. Chemical Engineering Transactions 100, 565-570. doi:10.3303/CET23100095.
- De Guido, G., 2023. Energy analysis of CO2 capture by flash and distillation. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 52, 1443-1448. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-15274-0.50230-4.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Wanderley, R.R., Knuutila, H.K., 2023. Thermodynamic description of the CO2-AMP-H2O system by ENRTL-RK model. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 52, 3257-3262. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-15274-0.50519-9.
- Spatolisano, E., Barbieri, C., Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., 2023. Thermodynamic study and simulation of the process of separation of the IPA+water mixture by heterogeneous azeotropic distillation. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 52, 2507-2512. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-15274-0.50399-1.
- Spatolisano, E., Matichecchia, A., Pellegrini, L.A., de Angelis, A.R., Cattaneo, S., Roccaro, E., 2023. Toluene as effective LOHC: detailed techno-economic assessment to identify challenges and opportunities. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 52, 3243-3248. doi:10.1016/B978-0-443-15274-0.50517-5.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2023. Dehydration of IPA-H2O mixture: Review of fundamentals and proposal of novel energy-efficient separation schemes. Chemical Engineering Science 273, 118672. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2023.118672.
- Restelli, F., Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2023. Hydrogen Liquefaction: a Systematic Approach to its Thermodynamic Modeling. Chemical Engineering Transactions 99, 433-438. doi:10.3303/CET2399073.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., De Guido, G., Fasola, E., Alberti, D., Carrara, A., 2023. Study of the Application of CCUS in a WtE Italian plant. Chemical Engineering Transactions 99, 331-336. doi:10.3303/CET2399056.
- Aaron et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2023. Measurement of isotopic separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation plant Aria for dark matter searches. The European Physical Journal C 83, 453. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11430-0.
- Moioli, S., 2023. Design of the process of CO2 removal in NGCC by potassium taurate solvent. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 195, 96-105. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2023.05.027.
- Quan, H., Shang, C., Bai, L., Fan, Z., Dong, Y., Dong, S., Moioli, S., Li, M.,Tontiwachwuthikul, P., Liu, H., 2023. Mass transfer mechanism and model of CO2 absorption into a promising DEEA-HMDA solvent in a packed column. Separation and Purification Technology 320, 124095. doi:10.1016/j.seppur.2023.124095.
- Spatolisano, E., De Guido, G., Sangiorgio, V.A., Pellegrini, L.A., Mezzetta, A., Guazzelli, L., de Angelis, A.R., Bonoldi, L., 2023. On the Effect of the Reaction Medium on the HydroClaus Process: A Novel Sustainable H2S Valorization Strategy. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 11, 6081-6089. doi:10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c00821.
- De Guido, G., Moioli, S., Gilardi, M., Giudici, F., Pellegrini, L.A., 2022. Downstream processing of butanol produced by fermentation: thermodynamic measurements and modelling. Chemical Engineering Transactions 92, 625-630. doi:10.3303/CET2292105.
- Spatolisano, E., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., Calemma, V., de Angelis, A.R., Nali, M., 2022. Process sensitivity analysis and techno-economic assessment of hydrogen sulphide to hydrogen via H2S methane reformation. Journal of Cleaner Production 330, 129889. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.129889.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., Bonoldi, L.; de Angelis, A.R., Moscotti, D. G., Nali, M., 2022. Kinetic modelling of polythionic acids in Wackenroder reaction. Chemical Engineering Science 250, 117403. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2021.117403.
- Spatolisano, E., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., Calemma, V., de Angelis, A.R., Nali, M., 2022. Hydrogen sulphide to hydrogen via H2S methane reformation: Thermodynamics and process scheme assessment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47(35), 15612-15623. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2022.03.090.
- Spatolisano, E., de Angelis, A.R., Pellegrini, L.A., 2022. Middle Scale Hydrogen Sulphide Conversion and Valorisation Technologies: A Review. ChemBioEng Reviews 9(4), 1-24. doi:10.1002/cben.202100057.
- De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2022. Calculation of Solid-Vapor Equilibria for Cryogenic Carbon Capture. Computers & Chemical Engineering 156, 107569. doi:10.1016/j.compchemeng.2021.107569.
- Poluzzi, A., Guandalini, G., Guffanti, S., Elsido, C., Moioli, S., Huttenhuis, P., Rexwinkel, G., Martelli, E., Groppi, G., Romano, M.C., 2022. Flexible Power & Biomass-to-Methanol plants: Design optimization and economic viability of the electrolysis integration. Fuel 310, 122113. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122113.
- Poluzzi, A., Guandalini, G., Guffanti, S., Martinelli, M., Moioli, S., Huttenhuis, P., Rexwinkel, G., Palonen, J., Martelli, E., Groppi, G., Romano, M.C., 2022. Flexible Power and Biomass-To-Methanol Plants With Different Gasification Technologies. Frontiers in Energy Research 9, 795673. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2021.795673.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2021. CO2-Tolerant Cryogenic Nitrogen Rejection Schemes: Analysis of Their Performances. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 60(11), 4420-4429. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.0c06189.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2021. Solid–Liquid–Vapor Equilibrium Prediction for Typical Helium-Bearing Natural Gas Mixtures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.1c00326.
- De Guido, G., Spatolisano, E., 2021. Simultaneous Multiphase Flash and Stability Analysis Calculations Including Solid CO2 for CO2–CH4, CO2–CH4–N2, and CO2–CH4–N2–O2 Mixtures. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 66(11), 4132-4147. doi:10.1021/acs.jced.1c00330.
- De Guido, G., Monticelli, C., Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2021. Separation of the Mixture 2-Propanol + Water by Heterogeneous Azeotropic Distillation with Isooctane as an Entrainer. Energies 14, 5471. doi:10.3390/en14175471.
- Spatolisano, E., Pellegrini, L.A., Gelosa, S., Broglia, F., Bonoldi, L., de Angelis, A.R., Moscotti, D. G., Nali, M., 2021. Polythionic Acids in Wackenroder reaction. ACS Omega 6, 26140-26149. doi:10.1021/acsomega.1c03139.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Gilardi, M., Giudici, F., Spatolisano, E., 2021. New solvents for H2S and CO2 removal from gaseous streams. Energies 14, 6687. doi:10.3390/en14206687.
- Moioli, S., De Guido, G., Gilardi, M., Pellegrini, L.A., Bonalumi, D., Lozza, G.G., 2021. Isobaric Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium Data for the Isopropanol-Water System. Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 66(11), 4148-4158. doi: 10.1021/acs.jced.1c00327.
- De Guido, G., Gilardi, M., Pellegrini, L.A., 2021. Novel technologies for low-quality natural gas purification. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 50, 241-246. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-88506-5.50039-5.
- The Darkside Collaboration and Nowak, J., 2021. Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark matter searches. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields 81, 1434-6044. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09121-9.
- Agnes, P. et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2021. Sensitivity of future liquid argon dark matter search experiments to core-collapse supernova neutrinos. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, 2021(03), 043. doi: 10.1088/1475-7516/2021/03/043.
- De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2021. Phase Equilibria Analysis in the Presence of Solid Carbon Dioxide. Chemical Engineering Transactions 86, 1261-1266. doi: 10.3303/CET2186211.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2021. Study of alternative configurations for methanol purification, Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 50, 267-272. doi:10.1016/B978-0-323-88506-5.50043-7.
- Aalseth et al. (DarkSide-20k collaboration), 2021. SiPM-matrix readout of two-phase argon detectors using electroluminescence in the visible and near infrared range. The European Physical Journal C 81(2), 153. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-020-08801-2.
- Agnes, P. et al. (DarkSide-20k collaboration), 2021. Separating 39Ar from 40Ar by cryogenic distillation with Aria for dark-matter searches. The European Physical Journal C 81(4), 359. doi:10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09121-9.
- Pellegrini, L.A., De Guido, G., Ingrosso, S., 2020. Thermodynamic Framework for Cryogenic Carbon Capture. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 475-480. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-823 377-1.50080-X.
- Moioli, S., Ho, M.T., Pellegrini, L.A., Wiley, D.E., 2020. Parameters influencing the rate-based simulation of CO2 removal units by potassium taurate solvent. Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering 48, 205-210. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-823377-1.50035-5.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Sangiorgio, V.A., De Guido, G., Szücs-Balazs, J.-Z., Gligan, M.L., 2020. Optimization of 13C enrichment by carbon monoxide cryogenic distillation. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 160, 499-507. doi: 10.1016/j.cherd.2020.06.010.
- Qyyum, M.A., Haider, J., Qadeer, K., Valentina, V., Khan, A., Yasin, M., Aslam, M., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., Lee, M., 2020. Biogas to liquefied biomethane: Assessment of 3P’s–Production, processing, and prospects. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 119, 109561. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2019.109561.
- Aalseth et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2020. Design and construction of a new detector to measure ultra-low radioactive-isotope contamination of argon. Journal of Instrumentation 15(2), P02024. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/15/02/P02024.
- Pellegrini, L.A., De Guido, G., Moioli, S., 2020. Design of the CO2 Removal Section for PSA Tail Gas Treatment in a Hydrogen Production Plant. Frontiers in Energy Research, 8, 77, 1-10. doi:10.3389/fenrg.2020.00077.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2020. Fixed and Capture Level Reduction operating modes for carbon dioxide removal in a Natural Gas Combined Cycle power plant. Journal of Cleaner Production 254, 120016. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120016.
- Moioli, S., 2020. Chemical absorption systems for carbon dioxide removal, in: Masi, M., De Guido, G., Moioli, S. (Eds.), Chemical Engineering Greetings to Prof. Laura Annamaria Pellegrini on occasion of her 65th birthday, Milano, Italy, pp. 81-91. ISBN: 978-88-95608-99-0. Publisher: AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
- De Guido, G., 2020. Low-temperature technologies for carbon dioxide removal, in: Masi, M., De Guido, G., Moioli, S. (Eds.), Chemical Engineering Greetings to Prof. Laura Annamaria Pellegrini on occasion of her 65th birthday, Milano, Italy, pp. 93-104. ISBN: 978-88-95608-99-0. Publisher: AIDIC Servizi S.r.l.
- The DarkSide Collaboration, 2019. DarkSide-50 results and the future liquid argon dark matter program. Proceedings of Science 364, 077.
- Pellegrini, L.A., De Guido, G., Valentina, V., 2019. Energy and exergy analysis of acid gas removal processes in the LNG production chain. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering 61, 303-319. doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2018.11.016.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Operating the CO2 absorption plant in a post-combustion unit in flexible mode for cost reduction. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 147, 604-614. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2019.03.027.
- Ho, M.T., Garcia-Calvo Conde, E., Moioli, S., Wiley, D.E., 2019. The effect of different process configurations on the performance and cost of potassium taurate solvent absorption. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 81, 1-10. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2018.12.003.
- Rocco, M.V, Langé, S., Pigoli, L., Colombo, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Assessing the energy intensity of alternative chemical and cryogenic natural gas purification processes in LNG production. Journal of Cleaner Production 208, 827-840. doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.108.
- Moioli, S., Ho, M.T., Wiley, D.E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Assessment of carbon dioxide capture by precipitating potassium taurate solvent. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control 87, 159-169. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2019.05.013.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Ho, M.T., Wiley, D.E., 2019. A comparison between amino acid based solvent and traditional amine solvent processes for CO2 removal. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 146, 509-517. doi: 10.1016/j.cherd.2019.04.035.
- De Guido G., Messinetti, F., Spatolisano E., 2019. Cryogenic Nitrogen Rejection Schemes: Analysis of Their Tolerance to CO2. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 58, 17475-17488. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.9b02544.
- De Guido, G., Lodi, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Study of the Integrated Product Recovery by Gas Stripping for the ABE Fermentation with a Fed-Batch Fermenter. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 793-798. doi:10.3303/CET1974133.
- Moioli, S., Ho, M.T., Pellegrini, L.A., Wiley, D.E., 2019. Application of Absorption by Potassium Taurate Solutions to Post-Combustion CO2 Removal from Flue Gases with Different Compositions and Flowrates. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 823-828. doi:10.3303/CET1974138.
- De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Application of Conventional and Novel Low-Temperature CO2 Removal Processes to LNG Production at Different CO2 Concentrations in Natural Gas. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 853-858. doi:10.3303/CET1974143.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Comparison of CLR and SS Flexible Systems for Post-Combustion CO2 Removal in a NGCC Power Plant. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 829-834. doi:10.3303/CET1974139.
- De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Study of Liquefied Natural Gas Production Cycles for Novel Low-Temperature Natural Gas Purification Processes. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 865-870. doi:10.3303/CET1974145.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2019. Design of a CO2 Removal Section Treating Very High Flue Gas Flowrates. Chemical Engineering Transactions 74, 859-864. doi:10.3303/CET1974144.
- Pellegrini, L.A., De Guido, G., Langé, S., 2019. Energy and Exergy Analyses of Natural Gas Processing Plants, in: Mokhatab, S., Poe, W.A., Mak, J.Y. (Eds.), Handbook of Natural Gas Trasmission and Processing: Principles and Practises (4th ed.), pp. 669-739. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-815817-3.00022-8. Publisher: Gulf Professional Publishing (an imprint of Elsevier Inc.).
- Aalseth et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2018. DarkSide-20k: A 20 tonne two-phase LAr TPC for direct dark matter detection at LNGS. The European Physical Journal Plus, 2018, 133-131. doi:10.1140/epjp/i2018-11973-4.
- De Guido, G., Fogli, M.R., Pellegrini, L.A., 2018. Effect of heavy hydrocarbons on CO2 removal from natural gas by low-temperature distillation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 57(21), 7245-7256. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.8b00614.
- De Guido, G., Compagnoni, M., Pellegrini, L.A., Rossetti, I., 2018. Mature versus emerging technologies for CO2 capture in power plants: Key open issues in post-combustion amine scrubbing and in chemical looping combustion. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 12, 315-325. doi:10.1007/s11705-017-1698-z.
- Pellegrini, L.A., De Guido, G., Langé, S., 2018. Biogas to liquefied biomethane via cryogenic upgrading technologies. Renewable Energy 124, 75-83. doi:10.1016/j.renene.2017.08.007.
- Lodi, G., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2018. Simulation and energy analysis of the ABE fermentation integrated with gas stripping. Biomass and Bioenergy 116, 227-235. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2018.06.012.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2018. Optimal Operation of a CO2 Absorption Plant in a Post-Combustion Unit for Cost Reduction. Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 151-156. doi:10.3303/CET1869026.
- Moioli, S., Lodi G., Pellegrini, L.A., Ho, M.T., Wiley, D.E., 2018. Amino Acid Based Solvent Vs. Traditional Amine Solvent: a Comparison. Chemical Engineering Transactions 69, 157-162. doi:10.3303/CET1869027.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2018. Describing physical properties of CO2 unloaded and loaded MDEA + PZ solutions. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 138, 116-124. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2018.08.018.
- Moioli, S., Ho, M.T., Wiley, D.E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2018. Thermodynamic modeling of the system of CO2 and potassium taurate solution for simulation of the carbon dioxide capture process. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 136, 834-845. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2018.06.032.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Vergani, P., Brignoli, F., 2018. Study of the robustness of a low-temperature dual-pressure process for removal of CO2 from natural gas. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 12, 209-225. doi:10.1007/s11705-017-1688-1.
- Pellegrini L.A., De Guido G., Langé, S., Moioli, S., Picutti, B., Vergani, P., Franzoni, G., Brignoli, F., 2017. A new distillation process for the upgrading of acid gas. Journal of Petroleum Technology 69(4), 74-75.
- Lodi, G., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2017. Recovery of butanol from ABE fermentation broth by gas stripping: Process simulation and techno-economic evaluation. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, 2017(25thEUBCE), 1034-104. doi: 10.5071/25thEUBCE2017-3CO.15.3.
- Bottino et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2017. The DarkSide experiment. Nuovo Cimento C-Colloquia nd Communications in Physics 40(1) article 52. doi:10.1393/ncc/i2017-17052-3.
- Aalseth et al. (the DarkSide collaboration), 2017. Cryogenic Characterization of FBK RGB-HD SiPMs. Journal of Instrumentation 12 P09030. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/12/09/P09030.
- De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2017. Prediction of the gas hold-up in a large-diameter bubble column with liquid mixtures and electrolytes. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 124, 283-298. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2017.06.022.
- Lodi, G., Storti, G., Pellegrini, L.A., Morbidelli, M., 2017. Ion exclusion chromatography: model development and experimental evaluation. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56(6), 1621-1632. doi: 10.1021/acs.iecr.6b04475.
- Lodi, G., Pellegrini, L.A., Aliverti, A., Torres, B. R., Bernardi, M., Morbidelli, M., Storti, G. , 2017. Recovery of monosaccharides from lignocellulosic hydrolysates by ion exclusion chromatography. Journal of Chromatography A, 1496, 25-36. doi:10.1016/j.chroma.2017.03.016.
- Besagni, G.; Inzoli, F.; De Guido, G.; Pellegrini, L.A., 2017. The dual effect of viscosity on bubble column hydrodynamics. Chemical Engineering Science 158, 509-538.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Romano, M.C., Giuffrida, A., 2017. Pre-Combustion CO2 Removal in IGCC Plant by MDEA Scrubbing: Modifications to the Process Flowsheet for Energy Saving. Energy Procedia, 114, 2136-2145.
- Moioli, S., Nagy, T., Langé, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Mizsey, P., 2017. Simulation Model Evaluation of CO2 Capture by Aqueous MEA Scrubbing for Heat Requrement Analyses. Energy Procedia, 114, 1558-1566.
- Nagy, T., Moioli, S., Langé, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Mizsey, P., 2017. Improvement of Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Process in Retrofit Case. Energy Procedia, 114, 1567-1575.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Giuffrida, A., 2017. Use of Recycle for H2S Removal by MDEA Scrubbing in IGCC Systems. Chemical Engineering Transactions 57, 1141-1146. doi:10.3303/CET1757191.
- Moioli, S., Ho, M.T., Wiley, D.E., 2017. Simulation of CO2 Removal by Potassium Taurate Solution. Chemical Engineering Transactions 57, 1213-1218. doi:10.3303/CET1757203.
- De Guido, G.; Pellegrini, L.A.; Besagni, G.; Inzoli, F., 2017. Acid gas removal from natural gas by water washing. Chemical Engineering Transactions 57, 1129-1134. doi:10.3303/CET1757189.
- Rossetti, I.; Compagnoni, M.; De Guido, G.; Pellegrini, L.A.; Ramis, G.; Dzwigaj, S., 2017. Ethylene production from diluted bioethanol solutions. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 95, 1752-1759. doi:10.1002/cjce.22828.
- Pellegrini, L. A., De Guido, G., Lodi, G., Saeid, M., 2017. CO2 Capture From Natural Gas in LNG Production: Comparison of Low-Temperature Purification Processes and Conventional Amine Scrubbing. Book chapter in Cutting Edge Technology for Carbon Capture, Storage, and Utilization (CETCCUS), pp.283-308.
- Besagni, G.; Inzoli, F.; De Guido, G.; Pellegrini, L.A., 2017. Gas holdup and flow regime transition in spider-sparger bubble column: Effect of liquid phase properties. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 796. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/796/1/012041.
- Giuffrida, A., Moioli, S., Romano, M.C., Lozza, G., 2016. Lignite-fired air-blown IGCC systems with pre-combustion CO2 capture. International Journal of Energy Research 40, 831-845. doi:10.1002/er.3488.
- Moioli, S., Giuffrida, A., Romano, M.C., Pellegrini, L.A., Lozza, G., 2016. Assessment of MDEA absorption process for sequential H2S removal and CO2 capture in air-blown IGCC plants. Applied Energy 183, 1452-1470. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2016.08.155.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2016. Modeling the methyldiethanolamine-piperazine scrubbing system for CO2 removal: Thermodynamic analysis. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 10, 162-175. doi:10.1007/s11705-016-1555-5.
- Besagni, G., Inzoli, F., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2016. Experimental investigation on the influence of ethanol on bubble column hydrodynamics. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 112, 1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.cherd.2016.06.009.
- Baccanelli, M., Langé, S., Rocco, M.V., Pellegrini, L.A., Colombo, E. 2016. Low temperature techniques for natural gas purification and LNG production: An energy and exergy analysis. Applied Energy 180, 546-559.
- Lodi, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2016. Recovery of Butanol from ABE fermentation broth by Gas Stripping. Chemical Engineering Transactions 49, 13-18.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2015. Improved rate-based modeling of the process of CO2 capture with PZ solution. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 93, 611-620. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2014.03.022. Audioslides free available
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2015. Physical properties of PZ solution used as a solvent for CO2 removal. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 93, 720-726. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2014.06.016. Audioslides free available
- De Guido, G., Langé, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2015. Refrigeration cycles in low-temperature distillation processes for the purification of natural gas. Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering 27(2), 887-900. doi: 10.1016/j.jngse.2015.09.041.
- Langé, S., Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2015. Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium and Enthalpy of Absorption of the CO2-MEA-H2O System. Chemical Engineering Transactions 43, 1975-1980. doi:10.3303/CET1543330.
- Pellegrini, L.A., De Guido, G., Consonni, S., Bortoluzzi, G., Gatti, M., 2015. From biogas to biomethane: how the biogas source influences the purification costs. Chemical Engineering Transactions 43, 409-414. doi:10.3303/CET1543069.
- Rossetti, I., Lasso, J., Compagnoni, M., De Guido, G., Pellegrini, L.A., 2015. H2 production from bioethanol and its use in fuel cells. Chemical Engineering Transactions 43, 229-234. doi:10.3303/CET1543039.
- De Guido, G., Langé, S., Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2014. Thermodynamic method for the prediction of solid CO2 formation from multicomponent mixtures. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 92, 70-79. doi:10.1016/j.psep.2013.08.001. Audioslides free available
- Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., Brignoli, F., Bellini, C., 2014. LNG Technology: The Weathering in Above-Ground Storage Tanks. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53(10), 3931-3937. doi:10.1021/ie404128d.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Gamba, S., Li, B., 2014. Improved rate-based modeling of carbon dioxide absorption with aqueous monoethanolamine solution. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering 8(1), 123-131. doi:10.1007/s11705-014-1415-0.
- Gamba, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Langé, S., 2014. Energy analysis of different municipal sewage sludge-derived biogas upgrading techniques. Chemical Engineering Transactions 37, 829-834. doi:10.3303/CET1437139.
- Langé, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2014. Study of hydrogen potentiality from supercritical water gasification of different biomasses: thermodynamic analysis and comparison with experimental data. Chemical Engineering Transactions 37, 175-180. doi:10.3303/CET1437030.
- Moioli, S., Giuffrida, A., Gamba, S., Romano, M.C., Pellegrini, L.A., Lozza, G., 2014. Pre-combustion CO2 capture by MDEA process in IGCC based on air-blown gasification. Energy Procedia 63, 2045-2053. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.11.220.
- Moioli, S., 2014. The rate-based modelling of CO2 removal from the flue gases of power plants. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 186, 635-647. doi:10.2495/ESUS140561.
- De Guido, G., Langé, S., Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2014. Calculation of CO2 freezing points in mixtures using SRK and PR EoSs. Journal of Energy Challenges and Mechanics 1(4), article 3.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Langé, S., Moioli, S., Picutti, B., Vergani, P., 2013. Influence of Gas Impurities on Thermodynamics of Amine Solutions. 1. Aromatics. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52, 2018-2024. doi:10.1021/ie302827h.
- Langé, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., Picutti, B., Vergani, P., 2013. Influence of Gas Impurities on Thermodynamics of Amine Solutions. 2. Mercaptans. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52, 2025-2031. doi:10.1021/ie302829d.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Picutti, B., Vergani, P., 2013. Improved rate-based modeling of H2S and CO2 removal by MDEA scrubbing, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 52, 2056-2065. doi:10.1021/ie301967t.
- Langè, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2013. Economic analysis of a combined production of hydrogen-energy from empty fruit bunches. Biomass and Bioenergy 59, 520-531. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2013.08.039.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2013. Regeneration Section of CO2 Capture Plant by MEA Scrubbing with a Rate-Based Model. Chemical Engineering Transactions 32, 1849-1854. doi:10.3303/CET1332309.
- Mazzoccoli, M., De Guido, G., Bosio, B., Arato, E., Pellegrini, L.A., 2013. CO2-mixture properties for pipeline transportation in the CCS process. Chemical Engineering Transactions 32, 1861-1866. doi:10.3303/CET1332311.
- Langè, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2013. Economic analysis of a combined production of hydrogen-energy from empty fruit bunches. Biomass and Bioenergy 59, 520-531. doi:10.1016/j.biombioe.2013.08.039.
- Langé, S., Pellegrini, L.A., 2014. Sustainable Combined Production of Hydrogen and Energy from Biomass in Malaysia. Chemical Engineering Transactions 32, 607-612. doi:10.3303/CET1332102.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., Gamba, S., Ceragioli, P., 2012. Prediction of volumetric properties of fluids for oil and gas applications. Fluid Phase Equilibria 317, 52-58. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2011.12.022. ISSN:0378-3812.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., Gamba, S., Ceragioli, P., 2012. Prediction of vapor–liquid equilibrium for reservoir mixtures with cubic equations of state: Binary interaction parameters for acidic gases. Fluid Phase Equilibria 326, 45-49. doi:10.1016/j.fluid.2012.03.030.
- Moioli, S., Pellegrini, L.A., Gamba, S., 2012. Simulation of CO2 Capture by MEA Scrubbing with a Rate-Based Model. Procedia Engineering 42, 1651-1661. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.07.558.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., Gamba, S., 2011. Energy saving in a CO2 capture plant by MEA scrubbing. Chemical Engineering Research and Design 89, 1676-1683. doi:10.1016/j.cherd.2010.09.024.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Soave, G., Gamba, S., Langè, S., 2011. Economic analysis of a combined energy-methanol production plant. Applied Energy, 88(12), 4891-4897. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.06.028
- Pellegrini, L.A., Moioli, S., Picutti, B., Vergani, P., Gamba, S., 2011. Design of an acidic natural gas purification plant by means of a process simulator. Chemical Engineering Transactions 24, 271-276. doi:10.3303/CET24046.
- Pellegrini, L.A., Gamba, S., Moioli, S., 2010. Using an Adaptive Parameter Method for Process Simulation of Nonideal Systems. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 49, 4923–4932. doi:10.1021/ie901773q.
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