Stefano Langè
Stefano Langè graduated magna cum laude in Chemical Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2011. The thesis, named “Il processo di assorbimento di gas acidi con soluzioni acquose di metildietanolammina” was focused on the modeling and simulation of gas purification process with acqueous methyldiethanolamine solution. The aim of this work was the detailed modeling of systems containing water, MDEA, CO2, H2S, aromatic compounds and mercaptans for application in the oil and gas industry. The study has been applied to build a simulation package to be used in a commercial process simulator. The work was developed with Maire Tecnimont S.p.A.
From January 2012 to March 2015 he has been a PhD student at Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica “Giulio Natta” of Politecnico di Milano. He is performing his activity in the “Group of Advanced Separation Processes & Gas Processing-GASP” of Prof. Laura A. Pellegrini.
The PhD thesis is focused on the study and development of a new Cryogenic Gas Purification process (patented by prof. Pellegrini and Stamicarbon BV) for the upgrading of natural gas streams with high CO2 content. During this work Stefano has studied the process configuration, its optimization for energy savings, the profitability comparison of the proposed solution with more traditional gas sweetening technologies (amine scrubbing) and the thermodynamic modeling of Solid-Liquid-Vapor equilibrium in systems containing light hydrocarbons, CO2 and H2S. During the second year of PhD activities (2013), he has collaborated with prof. Pellegrini and Maire Tecnimont S.p.A. for the design package of both the industrial and the pilot plants for the process object of his work.
In 2014 Stefano spent a period at CTP-Mines ParisTech in Fontainebleau (France) to study the phase behavior of CO2-CH4 binary system and CO2-CH4-H2S ternary system under the supervision of Dr. Paolo Stringari PhD and prof. Cristophe Coquelet. The activity performed at CTP consisted in the experimental determination of temperature, pressure and phases compositions along the Solid-Liquid-Vapor loci of the considered systems and their relative thermodynamic modeling.
He has been lecturer for ENI S.p.A. course on “Piping and Long Distances Pipelines” in July 2012 and teaching assistant for the course “Plants for Process Industry” at Politecnico di Milano in 2013.
His main research interests are thermodynamics, steady state process simulation, process design, economic analysis for process profitability evaluation, CCS technologies and unit operations.
He is first author and co-author of papers published on peer-reviewed international scientific journals and lectures presented at international conferences about process and thermodynamic modeling applied to the energy industry.
After two years working for Ypso Facto, he has accepted a position as project manager at Total (France).